Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Monday, November 22, 2010

Love Valerie's title!!

Gotta tell ya...that was hilarious! Just the way the gal showed us was funny. Poor lil guy! :) We have a lot going on!! Geez! Babies on the way...we are moving 6/10ths of a mile up the road (just a bit bigger house with 1 1/2 baths). My son is having surgery on Decemeber 3rd. I am having surgery the 16th of December but I am working on trying to get it moved up! A little too close for comfort (to the due date)! We both are getting our deviated septums fixed and some other things. Plus, like I said alot going on but we'll make it!! We are touring the hospital on our next appointment (Dec. 29th) Jeffrey and I have our 2 yr anniversary coming up on the 12th of December too. I am hoping to get moved this weekend!! That way I can get the nursery organized and set up. Nothing like getting things done at the last minute! LOL! :) Ok....I am now getting stressed just thinking about all the above! ;0)

Friday, November 19, 2010

Her head is where???

We went to the doctor Monday and needless to say babies are doing great!!! Every measurement is right where it should be. The babies are in the 70th percentile for their weight. Baby A is 4lb 2 oz and Baby B is 4lb. 3 oz. That is quite large for twins at this gestation. Most babies, according to our doctor, weigh about 5-6 lb at birth so we are well on our way.
Doc wants to do delivery on January 7th or 8th. It seems so far, but it's really not. I could go into labor at any point now. I feel really good. Still tired, but good. Baby A had moved slightly. He is now butt down in a kneeling position. I hope he is on his way to moving head down. I would love love to deliver naturally and doc will let us try it. Baby B is still laying sideways. To be exact, her 'girl parts' are on his head. There is the sac that keeps them apart, but we thought that was pretty funny. It's amazing to me how they are squished in there and the positions they get into!!! We go back on the 29th and then weekly after that.
I have officially started packing. Just throwing things in a bag as I think of them. My kids are setup with grandma if need be and my sister is coming from about2 hours away to take care of them too! I hope everything is set and ready to go when time comes!!

Friday, November 5, 2010

1 Down 6 To Go

We went to the doctor and had a very good visit. Both babies are 3 pounds 2 ounces. They are in the 68th percentile for weight. They are doing great. We love getting to see them each time we go and we like the tech. She is very friendly and is patient with us. We tend to ask a lot of questions! She doesn't mind and will tell us if she doesn't know the answer.
Baby A is head up, feet down. Baby B is laying sideways. Doc says that if Baby A will flip and weighs more than Baby B, he will deliver them naturally. Baby A has to weigh more because Doc knows if Baby A can get through the birth canal so will Baby B. Otherwise we will have a scheduled c-section. I really trust the doctor to lead us, but delivering a breech baby does make me a little nervous. I do think there is a chance Baby B could go head down after Baby A gets out of the way. Who knows...maybe both will come out head first.
We will go to the doc 6 more times if all goes as scheduled. Doc thinks we may deliver January 8th or so.
Jeffrey and Jennifer are moving to a new house and getting things collected for the babies. I can't wait to see the babies room and see them in it!!!!
