Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

No Whining!!

Today the babies are 1 month old!!! Not to be Negative Nellie but the last month of the pregnancy was pretty rough for me. I had NO complications or discomforts with my kids so to go about 1 month with majorly swollen feet, ankles and legs, no clothes that fit, not being able to get comfy in bed, etc. was horrible. I know, I know 1 month of that probably doesn't seem so bad for some of you. I guess it's that this pregnancy was soooo different, it kinda threw me for a loop. Anyway, I thought that last month would last forever. Now I can't believe that it's already been a month. It has gone fast. I have seen the babies 3 times since they were born and I think it has been a good amount. Don't get me wrong...I am so ready to see them again!! I mean it has given both families the space that we all need and time to get to 'normal' for my family. I don't have any excuses anymore for being too tired to cook or clean!!
I know Jennifer is doing great with them (and I heard daddy is doing awesome too!!).I also know she is tired. But it will get better.
Speaking of seeing them the babies...I get to babysit on Monday so Jeffrey and Jennifer can go out for Valentine's Day. I hope they have an awesome date and are able to enjoy themselves.
Thursday is the babies check-up and hopefully we will have 1 month pics. I am interested to know how much they weigh so I will post soon so you will know!!!

Monday, January 31, 2011

Flowers?? For me???

I wanted to show you something I got in the hospital after the babies were born. No, I didn't get them from my hubby. I got them from Jeffrey. 3 purple carnations. Jeffrey was supposed to be getting Jennifer some lunch and apparently he got lost. He ended up at the hospital gift shop. When he returned to our room he had this vase of flowers for me and a vase of red roses for Jennifer. He handed them to us and said to Jennifer, "I got you red flowers because I love you." As he handed me my flowers he said, "I got you purple because you are my friend." How stinkin' sweet was that?? (Jeffrey knows I am not a flower person but I didn't even care. I thought it was soooo nice.) He's right!!! I have 2 wonderful friends now. We had a great time the last year and a half. When you spend 4 hours in the car going to doctor appointments you have plenty of time to get to know each other!! Good and bad:) I loved the time we spent together!!! Usually we laughed but we did have some really good conversation. We have spent time together 3 times since the babies have been born and I look forward to many more times!!!
Just so you hubby did get me roses at the hospital but they died a long time ago. The flowers Jeffrey got are still nice and pretty even after 3 weeks and 3 days!!!!

Sunday, January 30, 2011

We Do!

Today was a special day for all of us!!! It was Family Commitment Sunday at Jeffrey and Jennifer's church. They were making a commitment to raise their children to love God and it was awesome!!! I made that commitment with my children and I think it is very important. They were beautiful up there on stage holding the babies. They looked at the babies in awe. I know they love them beyond measure!!!! I am happy they let me be a part of the day!! When the preacher was talking to the audience about how we should be there for the babies and it's our responsibility to help teach the children I also responded with a 'we do' response. I want to be in their lives and they have a special place in my heart so I have to do my part too!!!

Saturday, January 15, 2011

They'rrrrrre Heeerrrrreeee!!!!!!!

I am proud to announce that after 4 hours and 30 minutes of scheduled induction, Hayden and Hayleigh are here!!!!!

Hayden was born at 1:08 weighig in at 6lb 6oz and 20 in. long. Hayleigh was born at 1:50 weighing in at 7lb. 8oz and 21 in. long. Yes folks, as the nurses said...she was stealing the groceries!!!! The babies are doing great and they are BEAUTIFUL!!!

Want some details??? ok!!!
We were supposed to be at the hospital at 6am. We got there and the nurses were changing shifts so we waited a few minutes on them. I had an IV and had changed into the gown by 7. Hayden (baby A) was so low in the birth canal that they could not keep him on the monitors. They will not put a patient on pitocin without having them on the monitor so they fought with that til 9:30. Finally at 9:30 they decided to break my water and put an internal monitor on Hayden's head. Also, they started the pitocin. I was 2cm dilated at this point and we were going to play the waiting game.

At 10:30 the nurse came in to check me. I was at 5cm. We discussed that I didn't want to wait too long to get the epidural and she reasurred me we wouldn't wait long. Jennifer did tell her I had a high pain tollerance and you would not necessarily be able to tell if I was in pain. The nurse kinda shrugged us off and about 15 minutes later I told Jennifer to get the nurse NOW!! She came back in there and said she would check me. I was fully dilated!!! Complete!!! I began to get really nervous because I could feel the babies coming down and I didn't want to deliver without the epidural. The anesthesiologist was called (2 times:]) and he was slower than poke!!! He did get the epidural in by 12:30 and they took us in the OR at 1:00. I immediately started pushing and Hayden was born in 8 minutes. Hayleigh was facing sideways so it took some help from the doc to get her delivered. They both came out beautifully with no problems!!!

Our hospital stay was great and we enjoyed the time we had together before we left. I felt at peace leaving the babies with Jeffrey and Jennifer because I know they will take good care of them!!! They are thrilled to be parents and enjoying every minute of it!!

Friday, January 7, 2011


It's been crazy!!! My son had surgery and we moved in December plus Holiday travel!! SO the blog hasn't gotten as much written in it the past few months with everything going on.

Bags are packed nursery is complete!! All things are washed and ready for when we get home!! :) 3 weeks ago they measured the babies and estimated them at 6lbs. 9oz.!!!! Car seats are ready and being put in the car!!! WE ARE SO EXCITED!!!

I have been pumping and taking domperidone and am getting some MILK!!!! WOOHOO!! I pray I have enough and will get enough to breastfeed the twins. They won't get any of the colostrum though because they say I will only produce milk not colostrum. But all will be fine. :)

We are all four going to stay in Louisville tonight because we have to be in the hospital at 0600. Not sure how long it will take but we will be PROUD PARENTS OF TWINS THIS WEEKEND!!!!

God is so awesome to have put Valerie and Steve in our lives to have this opportunity to receive such a gift. It is priceless. We have grown to love one another and will have a bond that I pray will last a lifetime! LOVE YOU VALERIE & STEVE!!! Thank you GOD for it all!!!