Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Saturday, January 15, 2011

They'rrrrrre Heeerrrrreeee!!!!!!!

I am proud to announce that after 4 hours and 30 minutes of scheduled induction, Hayden and Hayleigh are here!!!!!

Hayden was born at 1:08 weighig in at 6lb 6oz and 20 in. long. Hayleigh was born at 1:50 weighing in at 7lb. 8oz and 21 in. long. Yes folks, as the nurses said...she was stealing the groceries!!!! The babies are doing great and they are BEAUTIFUL!!!

Want some details??? ok!!!
We were supposed to be at the hospital at 6am. We got there and the nurses were changing shifts so we waited a few minutes on them. I had an IV and had changed into the gown by 7. Hayden (baby A) was so low in the birth canal that they could not keep him on the monitors. They will not put a patient on pitocin without having them on the monitor so they fought with that til 9:30. Finally at 9:30 they decided to break my water and put an internal monitor on Hayden's head. Also, they started the pitocin. I was 2cm dilated at this point and we were going to play the waiting game.

At 10:30 the nurse came in to check me. I was at 5cm. We discussed that I didn't want to wait too long to get the epidural and she reasurred me we wouldn't wait long. Jennifer did tell her I had a high pain tollerance and you would not necessarily be able to tell if I was in pain. The nurse kinda shrugged us off and about 15 minutes later I told Jennifer to get the nurse NOW!! She came back in there and said she would check me. I was fully dilated!!! Complete!!! I began to get really nervous because I could feel the babies coming down and I didn't want to deliver without the epidural. The anesthesiologist was called (2 times:]) and he was slower than poke!!! He did get the epidural in by 12:30 and they took us in the OR at 1:00. I immediately started pushing and Hayden was born in 8 minutes. Hayleigh was facing sideways so it took some help from the doc to get her delivered. They both came out beautifully with no problems!!!

Our hospital stay was great and we enjoyed the time we had together before we left. I felt at peace leaving the babies with Jeffrey and Jennifer because I know they will take good care of them!!! They are thrilled to be parents and enjoying every minute of it!!

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